This is Why a Think Pacific Virtual Internship is So Unique

12 Unique Features of a Fiji Virtual Internship at Think Pacific

We’re so incredibly proud of the impact our Virtual Internship is going to make.   

We wanted to rethink what internships mean –  no more shadowing or completing boring admin jobs for multinational companies.   We’ve created a collaborative and empowering program that enables all involved to benefit tremendously and for our interns to make a real difference on a global scale, to international deveopment. 

Below we’ve highlighted some of the key benefits that excite us most about our Virtual Internship

Just because it’s virtual, the outcomes are very real

1. Unrivaled Experience of International Development, Social Enterprise and the Charity Sector

With over a decade working as a social enterprise and in the charity sector on community development aims outlined by our local partners in Fiji, we are perfectly positioned to provide unique learning and insights for anyone wanting experience in this industry.

We’ll guide you through our Think Pacific operates as a registered charity in Fiji and a social enterprise to achieve Fiji’s National Development Plan and provide capacity to enable local people, organisations, community groups and the Fijian Ministry achieve their ambitions.

Our role in Fiji is so much more than a volunteer organisation as we support a wide range of aims – from protecting Fiji’s natural environment,  to supporting the growth of local enterprise to facilitating campaigns to improve mental well being and holistic heath.  This is your chance to gain inside knowledge of international development and make a personal contribution.

We also have partners and mentors on the program who also work within the sector, to bring new ideas and ways of thinking to the table.

2. Influential Partners

We work directly with Fijian Government Ministries, charities & social enterprises working on the ground in Fiji.

This gives you unique access into how different organisations and resources can come together to address national challenges. You will also learn how different organisations work, gaining valuable experience and knowledge.

But it’s not only knowledge you’ll gain, you’ll achieve projects directly for these partners, creating actual benefit in Fiji and adding an international dimension to your CV.

3. Customised

Choose from 9 career fields to focus your internship on.

This ensures you spend your time on things that interest and motivate you.  There’s nothing better than working on a project you truly feel passionate about.  You’ll be able to tailor the cause your support and also, through our project briefs, the task that aligns best with your skill set-  from research analysis to creative projects.

From contributing to global education to mental heath promotion, from environmental protection to local enterprise creation, there is something for everyone.

4. Flexible

Work when you want, where you want.

A virtual internship gives you the flexibility to integrate the program into your daily schedule. This means you can continue to work/study while you work on the internship.

We’ll be recording all content, providing you with a fantastic online resource portal for all your background reading and we will be able to schedule your mentor calls around your work/ life balance. As long as you can commit to a minimum of 12 hours per week (across a 2 month period),  you’ll have the time to fully complete your project and consume all the learning to make an impact to local aims in Fiji.

5. Real World Impact

You will work on real-world projects that have a real-world impact.

Every project you wok on has been put forward as a current and relevant challenge to Fiji.  Your role is to work on a solution.

You may have completed multiple projects and assignments in the past, but have any of these impacted or empowered others?

Feel valued in the ideas you suggest, and the project outcomes that you put forward can be implemented by our NGO and partners in Fiji.   We shall be presenting every project to our local partners in Fiji for feedback and use, so they can utilize your hard work to contribute to their current needs, challenges and objectives.  The best initiatives will be rolled out nationally in Fiji and used to directly impact the lives of local people via our Ministry partnerships.

6. Unique Global References

Gain unique global references for CV & job applications.

This is a very unique experience and something that will illustrate your desire to learn and contribute to meaningful projects (particularly during these current unprecedented times).

The NGO sector is extremely competitive.  And in the current climate, even more so.   We want you to come to the end of your virtual journey with tangible benefits of your own that you can take forward and show to future employees or university tutors.   You’ll be able to demonstrate that you’ve worked on a global scale, taken charge of completing real world projects, addressing real world challenges, shown self-determination, initiative, leadership and drive and worked effectively to find solutions.

7. Bespoke Online Content

The virtual internship has a variety of different ways to learn online, including webinars and online videos.

You will gain access to a portal of content that you can access and consume in your own time. You’ll be able to go at your own pace and revisit content at any point.

Through our online learning, you’ll be much wiser about International Development in practice, the intricacies of NGO Management and the real work application of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

8. Learn from influential Professionals

Learn from Trustees, social entrepreneurs & government advisors.

You will learn from people with relevant experience and knowledge, helping to provide practical support and feedback.

We want you to give you full access to what it’s like to work in the third sector and especially, contributing to international development.  This is a true insight into following a job with purpose and how you could succeed and follow your own passions in this area.

9. Inspiring Alumni Series

With a whole host of successful social entrepreneurs & leaders in our alumni, you will gain access to some incredibly knowledgeable and inspiring people.

Including; Alex Wallace (Sunday Times Sportswomen of the Year 2018), who volunteered and worked for Think Pacific before going on to create her own charity, Mintridge Foundation and Callum Drummond, Founder of social enterprise Bula Batiki.

10. Expert Mentoring

This internship goes beyond just working on a project – it also includes unique mentoring and coaching.

This will give you a chance to ask questions, gain feedback and benefit from an interactive approach to our virtual internship.

From personal mentor calls to chat over your individual needs, to group zoom lessons and live Q&A’s, you will be integrated into a team of NGO professionals, who are here to support you and offer their advice and guidance, so you may reach your potential.

Have an idea for your own social business or charity?  You’ll be connected to people who’ve achieved this already and we can talk through real work experiences, challenges and concepts.

11. Real Connections

Connect with socially conscious students & professionals and widen your network of like-minded people.

Think Pacific is all about bringing people together.  And although we’d all prefer to do this from a palm fringed beach or rural community in Fiji, we’ve taken our collaborative and engaging approach online so you can interact, learn and share from anywhere.

From forging lifelong friendships to opening up new career opportunities, it is often the connections and people we engage with that creates the biggest impact from an internship.

12. Charity Impact & Donation

Over 50% of your program fee goes towards our charity foundation, which focuses on capacity building and training of local people. All projects lead to sustainable outcomes that support the achievement of the Fiji National Development Plan.

This includes providing training, funding internships, supporting local empowerment and job creation for Fijian youths and furthering advocacy surrounding messages of public health, mental health, sports development and enterprise at rural community level.

Your donation will be used directly to help build a new community health centre in Ra Province, Fiji. With everything going on in the world at the moment, improving access to healthcare is definitely something that will have an immediate impact on the lives of rural Fijians.

Does Fiji sound like your ideal gap year destination?
Here's what to do next: