“This is an incredible idea…I don’t know why the world hasn’t done this yet”

Published 01/06/2021

Meet Temesia, a global leader in education. đź‘‹

Temesia works for an NGO called Mobile Kindy, one of our partners on the virtual internship program. In the video below, he explains the role our interns have had in helping support their mission and delves into how the interns have helped create positive change in Fiji.

Congratulations to all our interns who have helped support Temesia, and of course, thank you to Temesia for sharing so much with our team and providing unique insight into what life is like working in the charity and not-for-profit sector.

We see this very much as the beginning of a long-term relationship that can have a big impact on early learning education in the South Pacific.

As Temesia says, “if you want to go fast, go alone… but if you want to go far, go together.”

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