Critical Thinking

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical Thinking is the ability to analyze information and make a reasoned judgement.

Employees want a job candidate who can evaluate a situation using logic by offering the best solution.

They can also be trusted to make decisions independently.

Top Tips...
Listen to Others

‘We cannot disagree intelligently unless we first understand profoundly’. This quote symbolises a lot of key messages – one being the importance of listening to the other person. Without listening to reasons as to why a particular individual believes as they do, you will not be able to form a fully-considered response. Also, assuming the person that you are talking to knows at least one thing that you do not is a fantastic way to remain humble.

Analyse Evidence

Don’t just take ‘headline’ statistics, which may present widely inaccurate figures. Educate yourself on what constitutes effective research and learn to identify when research is being presented from a bias perspective. This may become visible through finding out who conducted that particular research, as funders can influence the end conclusions.

Keep An Open Mind

Be prepared to be challenged, and be ready to show humility in changing your mind. Nobody is ever correct 100% of the time and some situations have no correct answer at all – therefore it is imperative that you welcome people’s thoughts before concluding whether you wish to adopt that particular belief.

Career Queens Management – Podcast

In this podcast,  Tracy explains how she transitioned from an individual contributor to a people manager in a tech company. She explains her challenges, and what she learnt on her journey of career change.

Quiz time:

This is a critical thinking quiz to help you even more.


What did I learn:


A learning card is a reflection exercise to help you fully understand any lesson.  This includes:

  • What did you do:
  • What did you learn:
  • What would you change:
  • What would you do next:
Learning Card