Comments & Reviews From The South Pacific
Think Pacific is proud of the close relationship we have with the Pacific Island communities. We are privileged to have been welcomed as part of the family in the outer island villages and to have made close friends with so many amazing people in the rural communities.
Here are a few comments from the communities where our projects are based…
“We are behind Think Pacific one hundred percent. These projects bring vital assistance to some of the poorest rural villages in our province”
Ratu Jolame, Chairman of the Lomaiviti Provincial Council
“We are delighted to see the progress of the projects in Fiji and we know that the Lomaiviti Provincial Council and the villagers very much appreciate all that Think Pacific have done and will do for the people of Fiji. I too offer my sincere appreciation. “
The High Commissioner Mr Tikoisuva, Fijian High Commission, London
“Together with Think Pacific, we provide the empowerment and training to rural communities in Fiji. Significant progress has been made through the programme of holistic development. Our hope and ambition for the future is for Think Pacific to assist all fourteen provinces of Fiji and to continue the good work already done. With Think Pacific, where there is a will, there is a way.”
Alipate Natoba Executive Officer – I Taukei Affairs Board (Formerly Fijian Affairs Board)
“As an officer in the Lomaiviti Provincial Council I am associated with Think Pacific to l uphold the MOU and work closely with Think Pacific with the implementation of their programmes. Think Pacific has brought back to life the greatest gifts of Fijian communities that they are so commonly known for; love, faith, kindness. These are gifts that the pressures of daily living can almost make disappear. Think Pacific has brought back the spirit of working together to achieve the best. I hope that Think Pacific will cover the whole of the Lomaiviti Group one day and continue to achieve great things for Fijian people.”
Kusitino Roko, Assistant Roko Tui Lomaiviti
“In my role I represent the interests for all communities of Moturiki island to the Lomaiviti Provincial Council and our relationship with Think Pacific has been excellent since starting the very first projects to our island in July 2009. Think Pacific are assisting to develop so much in all the villages across Moturiki, and the teams embrace the Fijian culture so readily. TP is making the people of Moturiki live happily and we are so very thankful to Think Pacific team and leaders, may god bless you.”
Josateki Saumadu, Mata ni Tikina – Moturiki
“We first met Think Pacific directors in 2007 and have been discussing, engaging and developing these community projects and our MOU between Think Pacific and the Lomaiviti Council ever since. We have enjoyed an excellent relationship with Think Pacific throughout and we are presently working together and with the Ministry of Health in Fiji, devising intervention measures to address health risk factors, particularly in the younger ages. In the rural schools Think Pacific’s programmes support the Ministry of Health’s aims in ensuring physical activity is addressed in schools and kindergartens through sports initiatives and educational workshops. We would like to see an Increase in the number of Think Pacific teams across Fiji to allow greater implementation and coverage of project aims and to work closely with the British High Commission to enable funding for the projects, beyond that channelled by Think Pacific to be able to assist communities and the effective long term implementation of such important projects.”
Peni Veilave Settings Coordinator – National Centre for Health Promotion – Fiji
“Having Think Pacific volunteers in our school is a real advantage to the students. The volunteers provide the students with so many new ways of learning and understanding. The volunteers offer assistance in the planning and supporting of lessons and they introduce new ideas, activities and much sports skills to the school, especially skills in hockey and cricket and other new sports. These are sports lessons, which the students enjoy greatly and that we do not have across Fiji at present”
Master Mika, Moturiki District School
“All I can say is Think Pacific is making such an immense difference in the lives of all Kai-Yavu’s and other Fiji islanders, thank you for coming all the way from across the globe to come and help our precious family and islands.”
Alanieta, Yavu village
“The children and I are so very happy to have these young ladies with us. Think Pacific refurbished our school and donated pens, crayons, books, story books and colouring books. The volunteers have taught the children new songs, nursery rhymes and finger-plays, helped with activities such as jigsaw puzzles, lego, dough modelling, outdoor games and so much more. The volunteers are a great help to developing our kindergarten school and our sincere thanks goes to them.”
Elenoa Delai, Headmisstress, Daku Village Kindergarten
“We welcome all the volunteers as if they were our families. We are so grateful to Think Pacific volunteers who come all the way from England to assist us. This is a tremendous help, which we will treasure and something we will keep dear to us. This is something our fathers and grandfathers strived for and we couldn’t have dreamt that a community facility as big and beautiful as this could be here in Nasauvuki.. Vinaka vakalevu.”
Maciu, Nasauvuki village
“I’m from Yanuca village, Moturiki..Today we witnessed the opening of our Community hall. I just wanted to write and say thank you for your efforts and hard work, this is incredible. Vinaka vaka levu!”
Sha Balawai, Yanuca Village
“I wish to extent our sincere attitude to your voluntary organisation in providing us assistance through furnitures for the school. Your donation, indicates how you prioritize childrens education as very important and foremost need to the education system . Our prayers that God our heavenly father will continue to shower his blessing in the organisation. Looking forward for further service in the near future. We really missed the service of the Think Pacific Team.”
Nailuva District School