Creating New Global Partnerships – Canadian Students Working Towards Sustainable Development in Fiji

Expanding our Global Network…

We are incredibly excited that through our Virtual Internship program we have been able to work with passionate individuals from all over the world. We’ve connected interns from every continent with each other and with organisations in Fiji to support their development 🌏

As well as expanding our vuvale (family) we’ve also been extending our partnerships with organisations in Fiji and with universities around the world. Through networking and partner referrals we’ve partnered with over 80 Fijian organisations for our remote internship. From grassroot NGOs through to Government Ministries – we are so grateful to be working with such a diverse range of partners across a huge range of industries.

Through our volunteering and remote opportunities we’ve partnered with over 70 UK universities, and now that global mobility is stronger than ever, we are thrilled to be making exciting new partnerships with universities around the world.

Working Alongside McMaster University

This year we’ve had 7 McMaster students working with 5 different Fijian Organisations supporting them by providing 800 hours of assistance with essential projects. 

“Through this experience, I was able to grow tremendously as I was able to get a glimpse of what it means to be a global citizen. Aspects of my life which I may have taken for granted before, I was able to develop an appreciation for these privileges. Moreover, the sense of community and fulfilment I had obtained with my time at Think Pacific provided me with the motivation to be more active in my own community. One of the biggest assets I was able to gain from this experience was a more refined set of communicative abilities. Working with individuals across the globe meant that I had to adjust my conversational approach to ensure that I was communicating my ideas with respect, as well as keeping an open mind when working with different communities across the globe.” 

– Rahul Patel, McMaster University 

Think Pacific is working with McMaster University this year through the Global Experience Award to provide remote opportunities for students to develop personally and professionally during the pandemic.

Through the remote program our interns gain:

  • A career specific work placement.
  • Up to 100 hours of learning, mentoring and work experience.
  • Contribution towards sustainable development.
  • Increased Cultural IQ & experience working cross-culturally.
  • Global connections with university students and professionals.
  • Develop digital skills that are vital to the new virtual workplace.
  • Increased employability.
  • Potential employment opportunities.
  • LinkedIn reference and attribute endorsements.
  • Certificate of completion from Think Pacific & Partner Organisations.

What skills have our interns gained? Don’t ask us, hear from them…

“My experience with Think Pacific was such an eye-opening beacon of light at a time, as a graduating student when it was very dim. I enjoyed connecting with other Interns who shared similar and unique passions, especially during a pandemic where networking is scarce. I enjoyed learning about the Fijian culture and the importance of including their traditions in any work as well as incorporating marginalized groups, such as women-led programs in order to empower them. Specifically, I worked on The Fusion Hub which is a women-led program that serves to teach women technical skills in order to independently sustain themselves financially.

As a woman, and a visible minority, it felt empowering in and of itself to know I helped a women-led program and I hope my efforts are a catalyst to further improvements to the program.

All four years of my undergraduate degree were catered toward developing the necessary skills to become a sustainable manager. A lot of the time the inner workings of sustainable management are not taught in theory-based classes. The best way to build these skills is by actively participating in them and that is exactly what this Virtual Internship helped me accomplish.” 

Maryam Shaban, McMaster University

Roaa Shahbaz - McMaster University
Ashoke Mohanraj - University of Waterloo
Cerra Simmons - Trent University
Kaitlyn Adam - Trent University

Check out some examples of interns projects…

Mahrukh Khan - McMaster

Project: Diabetes Fiji - Research Diabetes in Fiji and Globally created in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts

Download PDF
Yesenia Rodriguez - McMaster

Project: Waidroka Bay - Design an Artificial Reef to Increase Marine Wildlife in the Local Area

Download PDF
Roaa Shahbaz - McMaster University
Diabetes Fiji
Kaitlyn Adam - Trent University
Nature Fiji

How do our interns contribute to Fiji’s National Development Plan?

Through their action projects (examples above) our interns support Fijian government ministries, businesses or charities to achieve tangible outcomes, create new connections and contribute towards the Fiji National Development Plan and UN Sustainable Development Goals. Want to know how? Check out the video below! 

Global Understanding + Charity Sector Experience + Real Social Impact =  Extraordinary Virtual Placements

It’s not just our interns benefiting…

Here’s what some of our Fijian partners have to say about our interns projects. Hearing such incredible feedback from our internship partners really validates the positive contributions our interns can have supporting their partner organisations in Fiji 🙏


Ministry of Economy (Climate Change & International Cooperation Division)

“The output from the interns is phenomenal! I am doing the feedback forms now. The quality of work produced in such a short notice, with the level of research, accuracy and awareness is brilliant. We are very thankful to this partnership and the work and will continue to partner up on future projects.” 

Psychiatric Survivors Association

“I would like to extend my appreciation to your organisation for allowing us to be part of such an amazing initiative. This kind of success and dedication can only be achieved with love and a true sense of belonging to the global family to serve the same ultimate goal. Together we are creating change, through positivity and cooperation. In this way impossible becomes possible!”

The South Pacific Society of Lifestyle Medicine

“Many thanks for sending these completed documents through! It’s awesome to see the hard work and thought that has been put into working on these projects by the interns. Your assistance has been gratefully appreciated!” 

Temesia – Mobile Kindy Feedback

If you would like discuss a partnership with Think Pacific then please contact us at to organise a meeting.

Does Fiji sound like your ideal gap year destination?
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