Kadavu Project Prep Visit

On 15th – 16th February 2019, Project Managers Lulu and Solo travelled across to Builia village (Kadavu) for the second prep visit. They managed to have a proper chat with the village chief, women’s leader, youth rep, TNK and the new head teacher along with village kindi teacher.

This prep visit was conducted alongside local partners, iTaukei Affairs.

For this prep visit, the key aim was to complete the 2nd preparation visit for the host community and school settings, so that Management may meet the key leaders within the community (TNK / Womens Leader / Youth Leader), and also the host families, to re-discuss hosting the volunteers, and answer any questions or concerns that they may have. They also finalised key points such as water / power / transportation to the schools.

Bulia is a village setting without fresh water access, so brings with it certain challenges. This offers a true “rural” experience and illustrates the types of everyday challenges faced by small maritime islands and communities.

In terms of key outcomes, Lulu and Solo reported that the village were finalising their preparations for hosting the team, and it was agreed that the project shall facilitate both Natusara Primary School, and Dravuni Infant School & ECE, allowing the team / project to impact further students and communities, with daily boat travel to these schools across Ono islands.

The village were incredibly excited to host the team and we all can’t wait to start our project here!

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