Day 2: Exploring Education and Youth in Fiji

Welcome to Day 2

After having developed an appreciation for Fiji’s culture and history, the purpose of todays learning and workshops is to now build your understanding of education systems in Fiji. Once with a more comprehensive and critical understanding of the context and challenges faced, you will apply your knowledge in a group work activity and later hear from Fijian representatives in the industry. An overview of the day looks like this:

  • 10:00 – Stand-up and plan for the day
  • 10:15 – 12:00 – Self Directed Learning
  • 13:00- Plan for afternoon
  • 13:15 – Group Workshop
  • 15:30 – Submission of group workshop resources
  • 15:30 – Feedback Skills workshop
  • Evening – Recorded Panel Discussion
Workshop Preparation
Self-Directed Learning

This part of the program is all about building your knowledge for Fiji’s youths, from kids to young adults accessing higher education. We have compiled extensive resources providing you with an understanding for the topics:

  • An Introduction to Youth and Child Development in Fiji 
  • Government Involvement in Youth and Child Development
  • Local Insights and Perspectives
  • Early Years Education to Higher Education
  • Barriers and Challenges Towards Quality Education and Youth Support in Fiji

This information will form the foundations of your learning ahead of Tuesday afternoon’s more interactive and critical thinking workshops.

Afternoon Session: Through the Lens Workshop

During this afternoon session we will take a more critical lens at some of the challenges Fiji’s education system. Through group discussion and considering the pre-recorded interviews you will begin to take your understanding of the youth environment to a deeper level to then complete the afternoon’s task.

TASK: Create interactive lesson resources for primary school age UK students to understand and compare the similarities and difference in lives of UK and Fijian school children

Join this zoom to learn more about this afternoon’s task, the allocated groups as well as key tips, tricks and timings.

Group Discussion - 13:10 - 13:30

Organise a zoom in your allocated group to discuss how you might tackle your topic and the task at hand.

TIP: Divide up your topic to work in smaller groups/pairs and consider different angles to guide your research (e.g. primary/secondary/uni, UK/Fiji, Urban/rural). These groups can then be used later on when putting together the learning resource. 

Independent Research - 13:30 - 14:30

Revisit the pre-recorded interviews to gain personal insights into challenges, visions and experiences for children and youths in Fiji.


Virtual Office - 14:30 - 15:30

The Design Phase

Here we recommend all joining a zoom call that you can run in the background whilst you work on creating your learning resource. This way you can quickly share ideas and be congruent in your design.

Once your designs are complete, please each submit your work via this form – Please include your group number in the file name.

Submit Here!
In your own time...
Panel Discussion

We hosted an incredibly insightful panel discussion. The event was be framed around the following topics:

Educating Fiji’s Future

  • Educating the future leaders of an island nation
  • Creating an innovative and adaptive educational system in the face of Covid-19


Meet the Panelists
Temesia Tuicaumia

Mr Temesia is a Global Leaders under the World Forum Foundation, and is currently the Curriculum Supervisor for Early Learning Fiji and the Mobile Kindy programme under Child Benefit Fiji, which provides high quality ECE education and care in 13 settings for disadvantaged children, and is a Primary School Teacher at the Pacific Nations School.Temesia is also engaged in teacher training development for the Pacific, and works with other non-governmental organisations and Government ministries on advocacy for early childhood education and development through media, social media platforms, technology and arts.

Annie Crookes

Dr Annie Crookes joined USP in 2019 after 15 years working in Dubai, UAE. She has a PhD in Cognitive psychology from Leicester University, UK and an MSc in International Addiction Studies from Kings College London (in collaboration with international institutions, Adelaide University and Virginia Commonwealth University).

Ketan Lal

Ketan Lal is the National President for the FNUSA Executive. He is currently a Bachelors of Civil Engineering Student (Honours) enrolled at the College engineering sciences and technology, Fiji National University.