Child Education & Development

'Quality Education For All'
Fiji National Development Plan

Our belief in the value of education and learning is the key to our support and assistance. Twice a week you will conduct homework clubs, supporting the children with their school work in English, Maths and Reading. Building strong and compassionate relationships with young people is the heart of what we do, and we place a high value on fostering a strong homework routine. The sessions provide the children with invaluable opportunities to increase their social confidence, as they mix with a different range of people whilst being exposed to new experiences and teaching methods. Whilst supporting and teaching the children, you will quickly realise that you stand to learn much, much more than your students. 

Choose Your Expedition
See What It's Like to Assist Children with their Education in the Rural Communities of Fiji
Watch the Video to See Footage From Our Expeditions
Learn How You Can Inspire & Empower Fijian Children Through Our Unique Volunteer Expeditions
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How Can You Support Child Development Through Education?
Connect School Learning to the Real World

Create a seamless learning environment for young people between home, school and community. 


Create fun, interactive teaching methods to further influence young peoples’ enjoyment of school and education.


Instil self-belief within each individual that they all have the ability to succeed through Education and Extra-curricular. 

Advocating Important Messages
Support Children and Young People to Make Their Own Informed Choices

Using materials and resources provided by our government partners, you and Fijian Youth Group members will lead fun and interactive sessions, for the local children and teenagers around relevant social issues. The sessions are designed so that young Fijians are equipped to make wise life choices around topics such as; health and hygiene, environmental awareness, recycling projects and the dangers of tobacco, drugs and alcohol. The collaboration between yourself and the village youth group is integral to the success and sustainability of this initiative.

Homework Clubs
Educational Support in the Community
Lower School
Aged 5-9

We aim to make ‘Homework club’ enjoyable by delivering our sessions through fun, interactive games.  Developing the basics of the English language is where we make the biggest impact therefore the club aims to support and develop these skills through carefully designed activities and storytelling. We encourage all children to be themselves and dive into their own imagination.

Upper School
Aged 10-14

We provide a space that is welcoming and conducive for learning as we work towards establishing a strong homework routine. Our homework support is based on creating a fun, interactive environment where young people look to find the answers for themselves whilst developing their basic skills.

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