Wellness From Home and Health & Safety

Welcome to Your Wellness and Health & Safety Guide!

Wellbeing From Home:

  • Stress & motivation
  • Creating a routine
  • Dedicating a workspace
  • Connecting with others
  • Breaks & walks
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Reflection
  • Useful resources

Health & Safety:

  • COVID safety
  • Physical wellbeing

Wellness From Home

Stress & Motivation

At Think Pacific, we believe that if you manage your time efficiently and plan your day, you can help keep stress at bay and stay motivated. How? Because you know exactly what you’re going to do and when to keep track of tasks.

Google Calendar can be a great tool to help plan your tasks throughout your week. Not only this, you can use Google Calendar to manage when you are going to save time for yourself. Are you putting in time to chill? This is just as important as planning tasks. Click the button below to learn more.

Create to-do lists if that works for you. Sometimes seeing an overview of what you need to do helps when you are moving from task to task.

Google Calendar for Time Management
Do Short Stints of Work

Ever heard of the Pomodoro technique? This is where you work or study for 25-minute shifts, then take 5-minute breaks, making your workday feel more manageable.

See the video to understand how to make the most out of this technique.

Did you know you can also add a Pomodoro timer as a Google Chrome extension? Click the button below to add one of these to your browser…

Marinara: Pomodoro® Assistant
Make a routine...
... and stick to it!

Change into ‘work clothes’ at the beginning of the day. Even if this is PJs to tracksuit bottoms, you have got ready for your day. You won’t believe the difference it’ll make to your mindset.

As mentioned above, using Google Calendar can be a great way to give yourself some structure for the day.

When you’re workday stops, stop. Make sure you are giving yourself an actual evening! Trying to ‘power-on’ will eventually lead to burn-out. Not fun.

Make a Dedicated Workspace

If you can, try and find a quiet space without distractions (being away from a TV benefits lots of people!).

Make sure you have everything you need to work in one place before you get started on your work. Have you got your charger? Glass of water? Pens? Notepad?

Check out this video for more on setting up your workspace.

Connect With Others

Reaching out to other interns/people at home can be a great way to boost your spirit.

Connecting with people in a similar situation (other interns, for example) can make you feel far less alone when working from home – why not share tips and ideas for keeping morale high?

Schedule times in the day when you’re going to connect with someone – that way you won’t get through a day without having spoken to anyone.

Go on a Walk & Take Breaks
  • We suggest taking a 5/10 minute break (or walk!) every hour to boost your productivity.
  • Make sure you’re getting outside!
  • When you’re sat at home it can be all to easy to not leave your house altogether. Even if its a walk to the shops or a walk around the block, fresh air with clear your mind, refresh you, and get you back in the mood for your next task.
  • Click the button below for short, 10-minute workouts provided by the NHS.
10-min Workouts
Relaxation Techniques

Meditation (even for just 5 mins!) can be a really good way of giving yourself a break!

Why not try this 5-minute meditation exercise now?

Click the button below for even more relaxation exercises.

Relaxation Exercises
Take Time to Reflect

We live in such a fast-paced environment, it’s important to take a break from the madness and reflect sometimes.

When we have a lot to do, it’s easy to focus on what we haven’t done instead of what we have done that week/month/year!

Although we’d definitely suggest reflecting in your personal life, here’s a document we made to help you reflect during your internship…

Internship Self-Reflection Sheet
In a Nutshell...
Here's a nice summary video of the tips above
For more information please see some of these resources:

Health & Safety

Online Safety

We have an amazing community here at Think Pacific and we’re confident if people reflect the values of the organisation in their day-to-day work and when interacting with interns across the world then we should have no problems. But we also want to protect this community and know that things don’t always go to plan. As a result, we always want to know if any community members feel uncomfortable for any reason. This way we can take any appropriate action and ensure you have any support needed.

What should I do if I feel uncomfortable by someone’s actions/comments/posts? 

  1. Your mentor is your first point of call – drop them a message or head to a weekly drop-in session to raise an incident
  2. In an instance where you may not feel comfortable speaking with them, please contact management. You can find Dom, the Virtual Internship Manager on Slack or email him on dom@thinkpacific.com
  3. Should you not feel comfortable reaching out to a member of staff immediately please complete the form below

We will take all reports of inappropriate behaviour seriously.

Report Incident Here
COVID Safety

Make sure you’re doing the following to protect yourself and others when working from home:

  • Use hand sanitizer and wash your hands regularly both when you go out and at home
  • Keep your workspace well ventilated – fresh air is the best! Open and window or a door

Make sure you’ve set yourself up properly at home, even if it feels like it will be short term, it will do your posture the world of good.

For an idea of how you should be sitting and other tips and tricks, please see the video.

There are some simple steps we can be taking to reduce the risks from display screen work:

  • Avoiding awkward, static postures by regularly changing position
  • Getting up and moving or doing stretching exercises
  • Breaking up long spells of work with rest breaks (at least 5 minutes every hour) or changes in activities
  • Avoiding eye fatigue by changing focus or blinking from time to time
How to Sit Correctly
  1. Support your back
  2. Adjust your chair
  3. Rest your feet flat on the floor
  4. Place your screen at eye level
  5. Have your keyboard and mouse close to you
  6. Adjust the brightness of your screen at different times of the day
  7. Avoid wearing bifocals for computer work

For more details on each step, click the button below.

NHS - Sitting Properly